Expert Panel for the Planning System Implementation Review: A message from the Presiding Member – video transcript

Hi, I’m John Stimson, Presiding Member of the Expert Panel for the Implementation Review. I’m here to update you on the independent review that is underway of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016,  the Planning and Design Code, and the e-Planning system.

We intend to ensure planning outcomes encourage a more liveable, competitive and sustainable long-term growth strategy for Greater Adelaide and the regions.

The planning system we are reviewing has only been operational for a bit more than 18 months so there is not a huge amount of development on the ground that has been through the new system.

We invite you to take the opportunity to share your experiences with the new system and highlight opportunities that you think should be considered.

The Expert Panel will review and carefully consider all matters raised during the consultation process in making its recommendations to the Minister for Planning.

Anyone can partake, whether you interact with the Planning system in a professional capacity or as an individual.

Discussion papers are now available for your review. These papers elaborate on the areas the Panel has identified for potential reform and pose questions for your consideration and response.

Accompanying plain English fact sheets are also available, to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate in the review.

This community engagement is focused on the potential impact of change and provides an opportunity for the Panel to hear your suggestions and explore solutions to improve the system.

There are a variety of ways for you to participate.

For individual members of the public we encourage you to visit the YourSAy site for background information and to complete a survey or make a submission.

We will be holding online and in person workshops specific to Building and Planning practitioners, Mayors and Council CEOs and will also host an online workshop for state government professionals.

Local government professionals are invited to participate in one of the practitioner workshops.

Peak bodies have been invited to present a deputation to be heard by the Panel.

Check out the Planning Review website for more information, like how you can register for one of our workshops.

Running in parallel with these workshops, is an ongoing opportunity for all South Australians to respond to surveys and to provide written submissions.

Public comment will be open until Friday 16 December.

Take a moment now to visit the Planning Review website to learn more about this engagement, how to provide feedback and how to register for one of our workshops.

We invite you to be part of the next phase of shaping our state’s planning system.

Text on the screen reads, to complete a survey, visit planning_review. To register for an event, or to find out more, visit