Final report and government response

The Expert Panel (the Panel) provided the Minister for Planning with its Final Report and 113 recommendations in April 2023. Importantly, the Panel’s view is that the planning system is working well, and the evidence provided throughout the public consultation indicated there is broad support for the new regime.

However, the Panel also identified opportunities to improve the planning system, and it is those opportunities it has made recommendations on. The recommendations, when considered together, do not propose any wholesale change to the planning system as it currently exists. They can be considered more akin to ‘fine tuning’ what is already in place, to ensure it is working at its full capacity, and in the best interests of South Australians.

The state government has carefully considered each recommendation and has prepared a response to the Panel’s report. Both the Panel’s Final Report and the state government’s response were publicly released on 28 March 2024.

Of the Panel’s 113 recommendations, the state government has supported 63 in full, 13 in principle, and 36 in principle with further investigation. Only one recommendation has not been supported for implementation.

Due to the varying nature of the Panel’s recommendations, the implementation may take the form of undertaking further investigations, preparing guidance material and Practice Directions, as well as the preparation of a Code Amendment(s) and/or draft Regulations. At this stage, the state government does not propose to progress a Bill to amend the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 but may do so in future, if required.

It is anticipated it will take approximately 18 months to implement the recommendations.


The following submissions were received during the consultation period: