Other consultations

From time to time, the planning and development system is amended to improve the way it works in South Australia.

By having your say, you can influence the way we plan and build under SA’s planning system.

Current consultations

Public feedback is sought on many elements of the planning system including Planning and Design Code amendments, major projects and other planning related projects.

View current Code Amendments on consultation

View current state assessed developments on consultation

Other projects on consultation are listed below:

Closes at midnight, 22 April 2025


To implement the Government’s Housing Roadmap, recommendations of the Expert Panel for the Planning System Implementation Review, and required technical administrative changes, the South Australian Government is proposing several amendments to Planning, Development and Infrastructure (General) Regulations 2017 (General Regulations).

The amendments are currently open for consultation.

The draft Planning, Development and Infrastructure (General) (Miscellaneous) (No 2) Amendment Regulations 2025 (Amendment Regulations) (PDF, 2240 KB) propose the following key amendments to the General Regulations:

  • make local council the authority for assessing minor variations
  • enable councils to maintain trees in a timely manner
  • ensure that land divisions that meet relevant design standards do not require council consent for vesting of public land
  • increase the time to assess complex applications and gather information to assist decision-making
  • ensure planning consent decisions can only be made by accredited planning professionals
  • clarify that under certain conditions, planning and land division consent can be issued over an allotment that is yet to be created
  • give landowners easier access to documentation relevant to their property through local council
  • provide both public and private schools equal exemptions for performing tree maintenance works
  • exclude electric vehicle charging stations from the definition of 'development'.

Have your say

Consultation on the draft Amendment Regulations is open from 11 March to 22 April 2025.

Feedback and comments on the Amendment Regulations can be submitted via email to PlanSASubmissions@sa.gov.au by 22 April 2025.


The consultation process

Public consultation is an important part of the planning process.

Amendment of a designated instrument or scheme under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 (the PDI Act) must comply with the Community Engagement Charter during consultation.

All code amendments are required to go on public consultation before a decision is made, with proposed amendments published on PlanSA for you to have your say.

The consultation process may involve public events, letter drops and brochures.

Following the close of consultation, submissions may be published on the portal and/or summarised in a What We Heard or Engagement Report.

Past consultations

PlanSA publishes all projects that have completed the public consultation process and have reached a decision.

See past consultations