The state planning policies set out a framework for land use in South Australia to improve the liveability, sustainability and prosperity of the state.

State Planning Policies - Version 1.1 (23 May 2019) (PDF 3.9 MB)
Published 23 May 2019

State Planning Policies - Version 1 (31 January 2019) (PDF File 4.4 MB)
Published 31 January 2019
About this document
State planning policies address the economic, environmental and social planning priorities for South Australia. They are the highest level of policy in our new planning system.
The policies consider how and where South Australians live and work, along with:
- housing supply and diversity
- climate change
- strategic transport infrastructure.
The state planning policies provide direction, clarity and efficiency. The policies help us respond to new opportunities and challenges and guide regional and metropolitan development.
State planning policies are a designated instrument under section 58 of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016.