Release notes

PlanSA's ePlanning platform is routinely updated to introduce new functionality, enhance the customer experience and address technical issues.

After each update, changes are documented as release notes and published on PlanSA.

PlanSA components

PlanSA's ePlanning platform is made up of different online components:

PlanSA is committed to ensuring its ePlanning system is responsive to the needs of its customers.

To view or to check on the status of a current enhancement project, visit the PlanSA system enhancements.

System updates are made fortnightly. After each update, system enhancements are documented as Release Notes and published on PlanSA.

Requests for system enhancements can be submitted to the PlanSA service desk via




Land Division Certificate Changes

The Land Division Certificate has had the following changes made:

  • when submitting an application, the land to be divided will accept ‘0’ if the application is for a boundary realignment
  • relabelling the proposed allotment field to inform applicants that it excludes roads and reserves
  • relocating the “apply for certificate” button to the application’s land division certificate tab.

City of Victor Harbor to Fleurieu Regional Assessment Panel (FRAP)

The City of Victor Harbor has been integrated into the FRAP.

PlanSA Portal


Applications on Notice – Location details and current policies

Improvements have been made to the application details section, which includes:

  • combining the Address and Land details (title and plan parcel) into a single view
  • providing a link to view the current development policies for each location.

This change will apply for new and existing applications on public notification.



Code Amendment Tracking System (CATS)

The CATS is an online system where you can submit, manage and track your code amendment.

In CATS you can perform the following tasks:

  • submit a Proposal to Initiate
  • respond to requests for information
  • pay invoices
  • track the code amendment
  • complete and respond to actions (such as the requirement for engagement approval)
  • submit and activate stages as the code amendment progresses (such as submitting for engagement to commence or submitting for determination).

CATS will be used for processing all new and existing code amendments.


Code Amendment Register (Portal)

The public code amendment register has been enhanced to connect with CATS and reflect the status of code amendments.

  • The website register has improved search functionality by the LGA filter, and a new code amendment ID filter.
  • The code amendment status bar has been enhanced and will show: Adopted (Implementation Pending), Altered and Adopted (Implementation Pending), Code Amendment Progressing, Declined (Determination), Declined (Initiation), Policy Live (dd/mm/yyyy), Withdrawn 

To view code amendments currently on consultation, use the show code amendments on consultation toggle in the search filter.

There are also additional tiles linking to the:

  • Toolkit (Code Amendment Toolkit)
  • Code Amendment Dashboard
  • Link to Browse the Planning and Design Code
Code Amendment Tracking System (CATS) DashboardThe new public facing dashboard provides a clear and accessible overview of all code amendments currently in the system with counts of code amendments at various statuses.



Workload Management Report - Awaiting Payments

A new Awaiting Payments Report has been created in the Workload Management Report to replace an earlier version of the report.

The Awaiting Payment Report provides councils and the State Planning Commission with an overview of development applications awaiting payment. The report returns records of applications with outstanding payments at the consent or application level. Fees for the Certificate of Occupancy charged by an accredited professional are not shown in this report.



Enhanced Visibility of Building Work ID in PlanSA System

A new enhancement to the PlanSA system designed to improve the building indemnity insurance (BII) application process for builders.

This enhancement provides visibility of the building work ID on the respective DAP screen locations where the building work short name is displayed.

Builders can now easily view the building work ID alongside the building work short name, streamlining the BII application process.

Assessment clock - endorsements

The assessment clock now remains visible in the application assessment status table while consent is awaiting endorsement.

Public notification communication

Emails associated with public notification have been updated to replace references to "public consultation" with "public notification".

Latest version

Tree damaging activity on neighbouring land

Updates to the significant and regulated tree question during submission now include a prompt to indicate separately if any of the tree(s) are on the neighbour’s property.

Certificate of Occupancy - Ability to allocate an assessor

The Certificate of Occupancy (CoO) summary tab now has the ability to assign validation and/or decision to an assessor.

Latest version


Discontinue application communication

In the discontinue process, the generated email and letter communication signatory now shows the active consent assessing officer and/or relevant authority and associated contact details.

Extension of Time Notifications

When an extension of time is processed for development approval, the email notification is sent to the Relevant Authority, allocated assessor, and primary contact.

Latest version

PlanSA portal


Code amendment submission form

PlanSA is currently developing a new code amendment dashboard which will allow proponents to lodge and track the progress of code amendments. Changes to the Website Submission Form have been made to support the development of the dashboard.

The changes to the website provide a new user interface to submit a Proposal to Initiate a Code Amendment, including:

  • user validation functionality to verify submission details (to reduce spam and safeguard information)
  • detailed submission questions capturing detailed spatial information, related zoning and anticipated yield
  • connectivity with the Code Amendment Tracking System (CATS) currently under development.

The form to request a change to the code remains unchanged and can be found on the Code Amendment website page.



PowerBI - Practice direction dashboard

The Practice Direction 9 table has been updated to include all inspections in the total count (except rectifications). This fixes an error where monthly totals were incorrect. The Building Works Inspected column in the Practice Direction 8 Table has been renamed to Building Work Completion Inspection.



Custom contact email for building occupation/ completion

The Council/SPC user defined email address for building notifications will appear on the Decision Notification Form's Building Occupation/Completion section.

Rectification decision comment field visibility

The rectification decision comment detail is now visible on the Building Notification screen for the Relevant Authority and Accredited Professional (Building Certifier).

This enhancement improves the efficiency and accuracy of the rectification process by providing critical feedback to authorised personnel while maintaining confidentiality.

Building Notification enhancements

An email notification is sent to the applicant when building consent is granted and building indemnity insurance has not yet been provided. The email advises that indemnity insurance must be provided in DAP prior to the notice of building works commencing.

An applicant is required to enter a reason where they did not enter into a domestic work contract and are not exempt from holding insurance.

Planning consent “on hold” feature

The system now allows a Planning Consent to be placed on hold after the consultation process has closed.


Development application – application contacts

Adding or modifying an application contact (i.e. applicant, primary contact, invoice contact, or land owner), changing the contact style (e.g. individual to business), or selecting contact style 'Council' no longer resets the selected contact type.

Development application – document date distributed

For contacts requiring postal correspondence. The entered ‘Date Distributed’ for a selected document is now saved when the document is updated.

Development application council contacts

When 'council' is an application contact (applicant, invoice contact, primary contact, or land owner) the contact's name field now displays the name of the council in the following places:

  • Submit Development Application pages - Applicants, Primary Contact, Invoice Contact and Land Owner
  • Application contacts
  • Current and new Beta dashboards for relevant authorities
  • DALite
  • DAP Reports
  • PlanSA Public Register

Edit consent elements – purpose of the development now available

When editing planning consent elements from the application summary page, the purpose of development checkbox is now available when council is the applicant and/or land owner.

Electronic lodgement fee – council development is not revenue raising

The Electronic Lodgement Fee (ELF) no longer automatically defaults for the second consent when the applicant and/or land owner is council and development is not revenue-raising as determined on assessing the first consent.

Withdraw application – referral body notified

The referral body is now informed when a development application with a state government agency agreement (pre-lodgement agreement) is withdrawn.



Construction Industry Training Fund (CITF) threshold change

Effective 1 January 2025 development approvals issues after this date, the CITF levy payable by the project owner is now calculated on the estimated project value of building or construction works greater than $100,000.

Development applications with a building consent under assessment on or after 1 January 2025 the new threshold (works greater than $100,000) applies. To ensure that applicants have easy access to necessary information and maintain compliance with CITF levy requirements, the following enhancements have been made.

  • During application submission the question “Has the CITF Levy been paid? “ shows for development elements that require building consent approval and the total development cost exceeds $100,000.
  • When the CITF Levy is not paid submitters are advised “The CITF receipt number is required by PlanSA for Building Consent Approval” including a link to Lodge or Pay a Levy | Levies | Construction Industry Training Board.
  • More CITF Levy information is now available via a link to the Leviable Work Reference Table | Construction Industry Training Board.
  • Development applications with a building consent under assessment on or after 1 January 2025 and the total development cost is under $100,000 the CITF levy question is now hidden.

Visit About Levies | Construction Industry Training Board for more information.

Latest version