NCC 2022 modern homes provisions

The Modern Homes provisions in the National Construction Code (NCC) 2022 commence in South Australia on 1 October 2024.

The new provisions will ensure that our homes are more comfortable for our changing climate, as well as easier to use and more adaptable to our changing needs, supporting housing choice and ageing in place for everyone.

This page will be updated with resources to help you understand what the requirements mean and how they apply to homes in South Australia.

Further information about South Australia’s commitment to National Construction Code Certainty will be available shortly.

What are the modern homes provisions?

The Modern Homes provisions are the NCC 2022 Energy Efficiency and Livable Housing Design provisions, as well as improved condensation management measures, that will apply to Class 1 and Class 2 buildings from 1 October 2024.

The energy efficiency provisions for Class 1 dwellings include:

  • increased thermal performance requirements to 7-star equivalent energy ratings (up from 6 stars) to significantly improve comfort for residents.
  • a new whole-of-home annual energy use budget to guide the selection of more efficient building systems such as heating and cooling equipment, hot water systems, lighting and swimming pool and spa pumps.

The livable housing design provisions for Class 1a dwellings include:

  • continuous step-free access path to a level and step-free entrance door.
  • minimum door and corridor widths.
  • at least one sanitary compartment (containing a toilet) and at least one shower that facilitate independent access and use.
  • additional wall framing to accommodate future grab rails in the bathroom and sanitary compartment.

New thermal performance, energy usage and livable housing design requirements will apply to individual apartments within apartment buildings (Class 2). Renewable energy readiness and electric vehicle charging provisions for apartment buildings were adopted on 1 October 2023.

Following extensive consultation, several concessions to the proposed provisions were approved to address State specific issues such as small, narrow and irregular blocks, accommodation used by workers or tourists, and areas where geographic conditions are considered to pose challenges.

The concessions, together with additional modifications to further clarify the South Australian variations for flood prone areas, wet areas and the fire safety concession for carports/verandahs, are set out in an updated Ministerial Building Standard MBS 007 Modifications to the Building Code of Australia to apply from 1 October 2024.

A new Ministerial Building MBS 013 Application of NCC modern homes provisions to existing Class 1 Buildings is currently being finalised. This standard specifies energy efficiency and livable housing design provisions for new building work to existing Class 1 dwellings to support compliance with the NCC 2022 Modern Homes provisions where assessment is difficult due to the disparity between existing and new standards of construction.

The draft MBS 013 is available at Past consultations.

Regular updates will be provided through the Planning Ahead and Building Standard newsletters. Subscribe to be notified for the latest updates and information.

Details of information sessions to assist in the transition to the new provisions and the requirements for a Certificate of Occupancy for Class 1a buildings will be available shortly.

Additional resources

The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) has prepared the following guidance materials to support awareness and implementation of the NCC 2022 Modern Homes provisions.