Urban tree canopy off-set scheme

The Urban Tree Canopy Off-set Scheme facilitates tree planting and the enhancement of tree canopy in metropolitan Adelaide.

The clear intent of the Planning and Design Code is to plant more trees. This Scheme forms part of a nation-leading set of residential infill policies in the new planning system that includes the requirement to plant trees when new dwellings are built in urban residential areas.

The Scheme will apply only where a proposed dwelling is located in specific zones outlined in the Planning and Design Code for metropolitan areas. These include:

  • Housing Diversity Neighbourhood Zone
  • Urban Renewal Neighbourhood Zone
  • City Living Zone
  • or an area with a 'Designated Soil Type'.

In those limited cases where planting a tree is not feasible (e.g. when soil types are prohibitive), the Urban Tree Canopy Off-Set Scheme enables contribution into a fund which can be used to plant trees in parks, reserves and nature strips, or to create new parks.

The proposed Fund contributions are $500 for a small tree (4 metre mature height), $1000 for a medium tree (6 metre mature height) and $1,500 for a large tree (12 metre mature height).

The payments are not mandatory as an applicant may choose to plant a tree or elect to pay into the fund in lieu of planting a tree.


If you can't find a document, try searching PlanSA's resources library.