PlanSA system enhancements

PlanSA is committed to ensuring its planning system is responsive to the needs of its customers.

The PlanSA system is made up of different online ePlanning components:

The ePlanning platform is routinely updated to introduce new functionality, enhance the user experience, and address technical issues.

In addition to improving the user experience, PlanSA is committed to ensuring the ePlanning system is stable, cyber secure and compliant with IT regulations.

To view PlanSA system enhancements or to check on the status of a current enhancement project, visit:

System updates are made fortnightly. After each update, system enhancements are documented as Release Notes and published on PlanSA.

Requests for system enhancements can be submitted to the PlanSA service desk via

Customer survey

From 2022, regular customer surveys will be undertaken to explore the overall level of customer satisfaction with the ePlanning system.

The inaugural Customer Survey was conducted by an external, independent professional market research company. 1500 users of the PlanSA system provided feedback, including council staff, planning and buildings professionals, and community members. Some of the top line results are outlined below.

To access the 2022 survey results:

Action Plan

Following a detailed analysis of the customer survey feedback, PlanSA has published an Action Plan, outlining how it will improve the system and processes within it. Each action also has an approximate timeline for implementation.

To access the Action Plan:

You can also read the latest report which provides a detailed update on the outcomes of the Action Plan and reports on the implementation of key action points. The report demonstrates how PlanSA is listening to its customers and using their feedback to evolve and improve the portal.

To access the Action Plan Outcomes report: