Closed on 6 November 2023
The 12-week engagement period for the Greater Adelaide Regional Plan Discussion Paper has now ended.
All submissions and feedback received during the Discussion Paper consultation are now being reviewed and considered prior to the creation of the draft Greater Adelaide Regional Plan in 2024.
All written submissions will be progressively made publicly available via the PlanSA portal as they are reviewed. Personal information such as email addresses, phone numbers, IP addresses and property addresses will be redacted from submissions prior to being made public.
A What We Heard Report (PDF, 277 KB) outlining the themes of feedback received during engagement is now available to read.
An analysis of survey responses and YourSAy map pins will be incorporated within the Greater Adelaide Regional Plan Discussion Paper Engagement Report, anticipated for release in late-2024.
The draft Greater Adelaide Regional Plan will be released for consultation late-2024. This will provide the community with an opportunity to review and provide feedback on the direction of the draft plan before endorsement and implementation.
If you would like to stay updated on the Regional Planning Program, including Greater Adelaide and all Country Plans, please register for the Planning Ahead Newsletter.
Submissions received
The following submissions were received:
- council (PDF, 65825 KB)
- community groups, industry associations and non-government organisations (PDF, 94057 KB)
- Federal Government (PDF, 387 KB)
- Members of Parliament (PDF, 2529 KB)
- landowners (PDF, 83522 KB)
- members of public (PDF, 54393 KB)
Engagement documents
- Summary of the Greater Adelaide Regional Plan Discussion Paper - web accessible
- Summary of the Greater Adelaide Regional Plan Discussion Paper - downloadable (PDF, 3780 KB)
- Fact sheet (PDF, 261 KB)
- Frequently asked questions (PDF, 238 KB)
- Proposal to Initiate (PDF, 1117 KB)
- Engagement Plan (PDF, 746 KB)
- What we heard report (PDF, 277 KB)
- Engagement report (PDF, 766 KB)
Background investigations
- Land supply report for greater Adelaide
- Population projections
- Planning for climate change
- South Australian economic statement (PDF, 2.6 MB)
- Government action on climate change
- New climate projections for South Australia (PDF, 3.1 MB)
- A better housing future (PDF, 16.4 MB)
- Developing an urban greening strategy for metropolitan Adelaide (PDF, 4.5 MB)
- Infrastructure and land development cost comparison technical note (PDF, 193 KB)
- Greater Adelaide planning region map (PDF, 3871 KB)