First Stage Community Engagement Charter

Published Monday, 28 August 2017

The State Planning Commission has released a Discussion Draft of the Community Engagement Charter. The principles, outcomes and measures were prepared by a community panel of South Australians working alongside 70 stakeholders – with an aim to improve how engagement occurs around the setting of policy in South Australia.

This is the first phase of developing the charter, and the Commission is now seeking further ideas from the community, planning and development practitioners and elected members to assist in the evolution of the charter. The process for developing the Charter is outlined below and involves 12 weeks of consultation over two 6 week periods. The first stage of consultation will run from 28 August to 9 October 2017.

Following consideration of the feedback received, the Commission will prepare the statutory consultation draft of the charter, to be accompanied by a guideline document that will describe how the charter could be applied and evaluated.

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