Major development given green light

Published Friday, 5 May 2017

On 3 May 2017, His Excellency the Governor in Executive council declared the Central Eyre Iron Project as approved subject to conditions. The proposal was assessed by the Development Division and will unlock one of South Australia’s most significant major development projects. If successful, the Central Eyre Iron Project is worth $4.5 billion to the South Australian economy.

The Major Development and Crown Team worked closely with Premier and Cabinet’s Minerals Resources Division to provide two concurrent and comprehensive assessment processes. The Planning and Transport team contributed to keep transport moving in the state’s west, whether by car, truck or rail.

The Central Eyre Iron Project consists of a large open cut magnetite mine, port facility at Cape Hardy, rail, water and power corridors and short term workers accommodation village at Wudinna.

The assessment of this major development comprised of 105 submissions from the community and other stakeholders, a series of complex negotiations and cooperation with various teams across government over some time.

More than 700 jobs will be required to construct the 21.5 million ton per year magnetite mine linked by a 145-kilometre rail line to a deep water port at Cape Hardy which could also support grain shipments.

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