Integrated Movement Systems Policy Discussion Paper

Published Monday, 6 August 2018

Two discussion papers on how the state’s new Planning and Design Code will operate have been released for consultation. The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure and The State Planning Commission are seeking feedback on policies that will guide how we should best manage, protect and develop our natural resources and environment and consider our transport systems for the benefit of all South Australians.

The first paper examines policies relating to our ecosystems and natural assets as well as the impacts of climate change. The second paper considers policies relating to our transport networks - how we commute to work, travel for leisure and transport goods and services.

Both discussion papers, as well as more detailed Background Papers, are now available on the SA Planning Portal via the Planning and Design Code page. There are also summary documents available which synthesise their contents and key themes.

You are invited to complete a poll and short survey on each paper via the Have Your Say page or you can lodge an individual submission by email or post by 3 December 2018.

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