Next Generation of the SA Planning Portal

Published Friday, 16 March 2018

The SA Planning Portal - the one stop shop for planning information in South Australia - has relaunched today with an updated look and new features.

Last year our customers from the community, industry and government sectors worked with us to tell us more about their online needs and what they would like to see on the Portal.

New features

New features available now are:

  • Home - a simplified design and menu structure makes sought-after informati on easier to find
  • Updates - see news articles, newsletters and updates to Portal pages in one place with handy search tools.
  • Resources - access commonly-used planning resources such as Development Plans, planning legislation, planning strategies and maps.
  • Contact - now more easily linking customers with who and what they need

What's next?

By 2020, more new features are planned based on customer feedback:

  • An online lodgement and tracking system for all development applications
  • A map-based enquiry system where customers can interactively explore, query and download information
  • A hub of education material about the new planning system including videos and presentations

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