Peregrine Mixed Use Major Development – Submissions have now closed

Published Friday, 13 March 2020

A proposal by proponent the Peregrine Corporation to establish a helicopter landing facility on the roof of the approved (but not yet constructed) headquarters building on the corner of The Parade and Kensington Road is currently being assessed under the Major Development provisions of the Development Act 1993.

A six week period of public consultation on the proposal started on 29 January 2020 and concluded on 13 March 2020, with two public information sessions held at the Norwood Concert Hall on 18 February 2020.

These sessions were moderated by an independent facilitator. Attending the sessions were Departmental officer’s, to answer further questions about the major development process and next steps, and the proponent (along with its consultants) to answer further questions about the proposal itself.

A summary of the issues raised (PDF, 420 KB) during these two information sessions is available.

Following the conclusion of public consultation period on 13 March 2020 copies of all submissions received will be provided to the proponent.

The next steps in the assessment process will be:

  • Applicant prepares a Response Document – in reply to all submissions, agency and council comments. This document will be made publicly available on receipt through the SA Planning Portal.
  • An assessment report is prepared by the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure.
  • A final decision on the proposal is made.

Further information

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