What We Have Heard Report released for the proposed Linear Park (Grange to Semaphore Park – Stage 1: North)

Published Thursday, 23 July 2020

The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, on behalf of the Minister for Planning, recently consulted on a proposed Linear Park (Grange to Semaphore Park). This Linear Park incorporates a proposed Coast Park shared-use pathway.

This project focuses on the 4.8 km section of proposed Linear Park between Grange and Semaphore Park. As the area is divided by the Wara Wayingga-Tennyson Dunes Conservation Reserve a two stage approach has been adopted for its further investigation and consultation:

  • Stage One (‘North’) - The establishment of a linear park between Third Avenue, Semaphore Park to the edge of Wara Wayingga-Tennyson Dunes Conservation Reserve – subject of this recent consultation process.
  • Stage Two (‘South’) - The establishment of a linear park or parks between the edge of Wara Wayingga-Tennyson Dunes Conservation Reserve to Terminus Street, Grange - this section will be released separately for consultation in the future.

Proposed Coast Park shared-use pathway

Coast Park is a State Government initiative which aims to establish a continuous 70 km coastal shared use path (for pedestrians and cyclists) along the metropolitan coastline. The aim is to improve community access and enjoyment of our beautiful beaches.

Coast Park has been progressively implemented by State Government and local councils since 1992 and the section between Grange and Semaphore Park is one of the few remaining links still to complete.

Consultation update: Stage One (‘North’)

Consultation for this proposed Linear Park commenced on Monday 11 May and concluded on Tuesday 9 June 2020.

The Minister for Planning is currently considering the outcomes of the consultation as part of his decision making process. In particular, he will consider the submissions against the Objects of the Linear Parks Act 2006.

For further information refer to the What We Have Heard Report which covers the:

  • engagement process (including who participated)
  • levels of support for the proposed linear park and its design
  • key themes heard from the submissions
  • next steps.


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