Updated heritage guidelines for Colonel Light Gardens

Published Friday, 11 December 2020

New Heritage Standards for Colonel Light Gardens have now been published by Heritage South Australia (Heritage SA). The Heritage Standards (Colonel Light Gardens State Heritage Area) were finalised in April 2021 following public consultation from December 2020 to  February 2021. The Heritage Standards will be used by Heritage SA in assessing and providing direction on future development in the Colonel Light Gardens State Heritage Area, as well as by the City of Mitcham when assessing applications and by property owners planning to restore, alter or develop their property.

The draft updated Heritage Guidelines (Colonel Light Gardens State Heritage Area) have been released for public consultation until 1 February 2021.

In response to the introduction of a new planning system for South Australia, including policies protecting the Colonel Light Gardens State Heritage Area (PDF, 851 KB), Heritage South Australia (Heritage SA), Department for Environment and Water, is reviewing and updating the existing heritage guidelines for the suburb to ensure they are fit for purpose, consistent with terminology in the proposed Planning and Design Code (Phase 3 - Urban Areas) and reflect the Colonel Light Gardens Statement of Heritage Significance.

All comments will be considered by Heritage SA in finalising the guidelines.

Once approved, the guidelines will guide the development of private land and the public realm in Colonel Light Gardens when the proposed Planning and Design Code commences in 2021.

The draft updated guidelines are the first of 17 existing heritage guidelines for State Heritage Areas (SHA) to be updated in response to the SA planning reforms. Consultation on other draft updated heritage guidelines will occur in a staged manner.

To review and have your say on the draft updated Heritage Guidelines (Colonel Light Gardens State Heritage Area) visit YourSAy.

Consultation closes 5.00 pm Monday 1 February 2021.

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