An update on the 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide

Published Friday, 3 September 2021

The State Planning Commission has released the 2020-21 Report Card (PDF, 1641 KB) on the 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide – 2017 Update (the Plan) – as part of monitoring the Plan’s implementation and reporting on the progress of its actions and targets to deliver a more compact urban form and manage growth.

The Report Card provides an overview of the progress made against the six high level strategic targets (PDF, 206 KB), which serve as a key tool in establishing whether the policies and actions outlined in the Plan have been effective in delivering the new urban form. The updates on each target were reviewed and measured in 2020 against the 2015 baseline values set in the Plan.

The report identifies that three of the six strategic targets are considered to be on track for delivery by 2045 and will continue to be monitored, with the measures for the three remaining targets requiring review.

Specifically, two targets (Target 3 – Getting Active and Target 4 – Walkable Neighbourhoods) are currently measured using census data which is captured every 5 years. With the 2021 Census data not yet released, these targets were difficult to accurately measure.

In addition, the data collection method for Target 5 – Green Liveable City changed in 2018/19 with the introduction of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data which is a more accurate measure of tree canopy than the previously used i-Tree (random sample) method. As a result it was not possible to measure progress against the baseline in the Plan.

A review of all six high level strategic targets will commence in 2022 as part of the 30-Year Plan update. This review will be supported by data from the 2021 Census, which will help to improve reporting and establish a new baseline to provide a more comprehensive assessment of the targets.

Learn more about the 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide.

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