New open space opportunities as pocket park applications open
Published Friday, 9 December 2022

Applications for the 2022-23 Open Space Grant are now open for a period of ten weeks, with funding applications closing at 12.00 pm Friday, 17 February 2023.
The Grant Program delivers on the State Government’s election commitment to allocate 10 per cent of developer contributions to the Planning and Development Fund to support councils with purchasing land for public open space, including pocket parks.
The Grant Program aims to enhance public open spaces in both metropolitan and regional South Australia.
Councils will be able to apply for grants to purchase land to create new pocket parks that will provide the community with new places to meet, play and exercise.
Councils are encouraged to consider sites that can support multi-use activated spaces and accommodate a variety of features and amenities, which support the similar benefits offered by larger parks and reserves.
Funding for broader development projects (beyond land purchase for pocket parks) through the Grant Program is expected to return in the 2023-24 financial year.
To download a copy of the 2022-23 Open Space Grant guidelines, visit PlanSA.
For further information, please contact the Office for Design and Architecture SA on 8402 1852 or email