Miscellaneous Technical Enhancement Code Amendment approved

Published Monday, 17 April 2023

Proposed technical amendments which aim to enhance the general performance and operation of the Planning and Design Code (the Code) have been approved by the Minister for Planning.

The Miscellaneous Technical Enhancement Code Amendment is primarily focused on addressing technical and operational elements within the Code, as opposed to changing policy intent or outcomes. It represents the first of what will be a regular review and “tune-up” of any technical or operational aspects of the Code based on stakeholder feedback.

Areas covered by this Code Amendment include:

  • technical matters
  • policy clarity and interpretation
  • consistency with drafting principals
  • system efficiency and procedural matters.

Initiated by the State Planning Commission, this Code Amendment is informed by valuable feedback received from local council, planning industry professionals and other users of the Code in its first year of operation.

The Miscellaneous Technical Enhancement Code Amendment was further edited and refined following feedback received during public consultation which ran from July to September 2022.

Thank you to all those who provided feedback during consultation.

Further information about this Code Amendment including a copy of the final approved Code Amendment and the Engagement Report, can be found on the updated code amendment webpage.

The Miscellaneous Technical Enhancement Code Amendment will come into effect on the day that it is deployed into both the electronic Planning and Design Code and the South Australian Property and Planning Atlas. It is anticipated that this will occur in May.

For council and industry professionals, the PLUS Code Amendment team will be running through the changes at upcoming PlanSA User and Policy forums in May.

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