Battery anode material facility proposed for South Australia

Published Monday, 19 August 2024

An application for South Australia’s first Battery Anode Material facility will be subject to the state’s most rigorous development assessment.

South Australian based mineral development company Renascor Resources Limited is seeking approval to construct the facility at Waterloo Corner, adjacent SA Water’s Bolivar Wastewater Treatment Plant.

The proposed facility will be the first of its kind in South Australia to produce purified spherical graphite, a material used in manufacturing lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles. The product will be exported internationally.

The project has been categorised as an impact assessed development, a designation reserved for projects of economic, social or environmental importance to the state.

A fundamental part of the process is the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to examine various factors including water management, infrastructure requirements and the potential impacts of noise, light and traffic.

The EIS assessment will be overseen by the State Planning Commission and involves a public consultation process with government agencies, local council and community.

The public is invited to provide feedback by visiting YourSAy. Consultation closes on Friday 27 September 2024.

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