Consultation opens on draft amendments to the Real Property Act 1886

Published Tuesday, 2 July 2024

The South Australian Government is seeking feedback on amendments to the Real Property Act 1886 via the draft Real Property (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2024.

The draft Bill has been prepared to enable division documents to be lodged electronically along with making some broader miscellaneous amendments, and aligns with the Government of South Australia’s More Homes for South Australians Housing Roadmap.

Details of the draft bill, including a summary of amendments, and how to provide feedback, can be found on the PlanSA current consultations webpage. Feedback is open until 5:00 pm, 13 August 2024.

A comprehensive review of the Real Property Act 1886 is planned for the future to ensure it is updated to be practical, easy to  understand, and adaptable to modern expectations. Further details of this review will be provided once available.

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