Nuclear-powered submarine construction yard EIS released for consultation
Published Wednesday, 5 February 2025

The Environmental Impact Statement for construction and operation of the proposed nuclear-powered submarine construction yard at Osborne is now available for public consultation.
The Australian Government will begin building conventionally armed, nuclear-powered submarines by the end of this decade and the preferred site for construction is near the existing Osborne Naval Shipyard, about 19 km north-west of the Adelaide CBD.
The South Australian Government is seeking feedback on the Environmental Impact Statement for building and operating the nuclear-powered submarine construction yard, associated launch and berthing facilities, and other infrastructure needed on site to build the submarines.
The Environmental Impact Statement, prepared by Australian Naval Infrastructure (ANI), identifies and considers potential impacts due to the development, operations, associated changes in land use and excavation or landfill, both on land and in coastal waters.
This includes considering impacts on plants, animals, heritage, community and the economy and how these impacts can be mitigated or minimised.
The proposed development was declared as an ‘impact assessed’ development by the South Australian Minister for Planning, which is the most rigorous level of development assessment in South Australia. It is reserved for major projects of economic, social or environmental importance to the state.
A key component of the ‘impact assessed’ process is developing an Environmental Impact Statement that addresses the development’s social, environmental and economic impacts.
Australian Submarine Agency (ASA) is leading a separate strategic assessment process to consider and assess the impacts of the submarine construction yard’s development and operations on nationally and internationally listed plants, animals, habitats and places under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
A series of drop-in community information sessions are taking place in mid-February in Adelaide, Port Adelaide and Osborne where community can talk with ANI and Department for Housing and Urban Development staff about the proposed nuclear-powered submarine construction yard project, the Environmental Impact Statement and how the development application is assessed.
ASA will also be available at the events to discuss the separate strategic assessment process.
Consultation is open from 3 February to 17 March 2025.
For more information, visit the YourSAy website at