Part 3. Pulling it all together to prepare the new Greater Adelaide Regional Plan

Bringing the GARP to life over the next 30 years will require ongoing collaboration and coordination across government, councils, industry and the community.

Greater Adelaide Regional Plan - Miravale aerial shot

Next steps for growth investigations

The Commission proposes to undertake detailed investigation of the identified greenfield and infill growth areas for inclusion in the new plan. This involves:

  • Localised evaluation, including detailed consultation with councils and agencies
  • Analysing existing and future physical and social infrastructure capacities and provision
  • Reviewing relevant economic factors, including market attraction, propensity, landowner intentions and employment availability
  • Evaluating growth options to determine priorities based on governance, economic, physical and social factors.

Public consultation opportunities

The GARP will be developed and finalised following extensive discussions with local government, state agencies, the community and industry, using the process below.

Stage 1:

Consultation of Discussion Paper

Aug - Nov, 2023

Review of public feedback

Late 2023

What We Have Heard report and draft directions

Early 2024

Stage 2:

Consultation of draft Greater Adelaide Regional Plan

Mid 2024

Approval and implementation of Greater Adelaide Regional Plan

Late 2024

Monitor, report on and review actions
