The Ministerial Building Standard outlines the minimum requirements that must be met for a place of worship to be used as temporary accommodation in prescribed circumstances.

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About this document
This Ministerial Building Standard (MBS 012) clarifies assessment requirements where a Class 9B building classified as a place of worship is used as temporary accommodation for homeless people. Application of the MBS 012 is linked to the definition of a Class 9B building defined as a ‘Place of Worship’ in the Planning and Design Code.
Places of worship have often been used in emergency situations as places where people can seek shelter on a short-term basis due to homelessness caused by natural disasters or significant life events. Where a change of classification arises as a result of the temporary use of a place of worship, this Ministerial Building Standard must be satisfied to grant building consent (and no further assessment against the Building Rules is required).
Ministerial Building Standards form part of the Building Rules which are used to assess a development application for building consent. All standards must be read in conjunction with the requirements of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 and the Planning, Development and Infrastructure (General) Regulations 2017.