Roles and responsibilities

In this guide

The State Planning Commission

The Commission is responsible for ensuring the Code is maintained, reflects contemporary values relevant to planning, and responds readily to emerging trends or issues. The Commission will undertake Code Amendments for significant state-wide issues as well as regular updates to improve policy and address any technical matters.

The Commission also:

  • provides independent advice to the Minister for Planning on Code Amendments, at the initiation stage and in prescribed circumstances at the approval stage
  • provides a consultation report to the Environment Resources and Development Committee of Parliament following approval.

The Minister for Planning

The Minister is responsible for approving the initiation of Code Amendments by persons and entities other than the Commission, and for the final approval of any amendments to the Code.

The Minister can also make minor or operational amendments to the Code that meet the criteria in the Act.

Environment, Resources and Development Committee of Parliament

The ERDC provides oversight following the amendment of the Code.


Councils play an important role in planning for growth and change within their local area. Identifying strategic policy amendments that address local conditions is a key function. Councils are also encouraged to also identify areas of policy improvement within the Code.