Environment and food production areas protect vital agricultural lands surrounding Metropolitan Adelaide from urban encroachment.

Map of Environment and Food Production Areas (GRO Map G28/2022) (PDF 8.7 MB)
Published 27 October 2022

Map of Environment and Food Production Areas (GRO Map G17/2015) (PDF File 4.6 MB)
Published 23 November 2016
About this document
Environment and food production areas:
- protect valuable food producing areas
- maintain natural rural landscapes
- conserve tourism and environmental resources
- provide certainty to food and wine producers
- encourage development in our existing urban footprint with existing supporting infrastructure
- set the direction for future growth in metropolitan Adelaide.
The new protection areas cover the rural areas of the Adelaide Plains, Alexandrina, Light and Murray Bridge councils. They do not overlap with protected rural areas within the Barossa Character Preservation Act 2012.
The Environment and Food Production Areas were introduced under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 on 1 April 2017.