
Practice Direction 14 – Site Contamination Assessment 2021

This practice direction is part of a scheme that provides for requirements that apply to the assessment of potential site contamination when land use changes to a more sensitive use or where a land division proposes a sensitive use.




About this document

The objects of this practice direction are to:

  • support site contamination assessment steps that must be taken when land use is proposed to be changed  to a more sensitive use or, with respect to land division, where a sensitive use is proposed, and there is reason to believe that site contamination exists or may exist because of various activities or conditions
  • set out forms and other requirements that are contemplated by provisions of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure (General) Regulations 2017 that relate to assessment and remediation of site contamination in connection with applications for planning consent
  • specify conditions that will apply in connection with a planning consent for land that may be subject to site contamination
  • provide guidance and other information associated with the assessment and remediation of site contamination.

The State Planning Commission issues practice directions to specify procedural requirements in connection the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016.