
Rules that apply

In this guide

Planning and building rules describe which developments are appropriate for different areas and how they should be built.

The rules that apply to an approval depend on the type of development and where it's located.

Which rules apply

Planning and building rules are set out by the new Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 and are available on PlanSA.

Planning rules

These planning rules are used to assess a development for planning consent:

The planning rules are guided by the State Planning Policies which set the strategic planning vision for South Australia.

Regional plans include strategic direction for each of the state's regions which may also influence the planning rules.

Building rules

These building rules used to assess a development for building consent:

There are also:

Land division rules

The land division rules used to assess a development for land division consent are infrastructure requirements set out in the Planning, Development and Infrastructure (General) Regulations 2017.