The State Planning Commission (the Commission) has endorsed Proposal to Initiate documents for the preparation of seven regional plans, pursuant to section 73(1)(a) of the Planning, Infrastructure and Development Act 2016 (the Act).
Section 73(1)(a) of the Act provides that, as a designated instrument under the Act, the Commission may, acting on its own initiative, initiate a proposal for the preparation of a regional plan.
Regional plans provide a long-term vision for a region to guide land use planning over a 15- to 30-year period, with a particular focus on the integration of land use, transport infrastructure and public realm.
They have a strong focus on how each region will look and function over the next 30-years, taking into consideration the vision and aspirations of local communities.
As our population and housing demand increases, so does the complexity of our land use decisions. A comprehensive review of the regional plans will ensure a coordinated approach to identifying and delivering the next 15 to 30 years of employment and housing land.
Information for each regional plan will be updated here as they are progressively drafted and released for community consultation.