Read the Regional Plans

Our population is changing. Household composition is changing. What people need or want from their housing is changing. This means we need to offer more housing choices.

Decisions about how and where to accommodate more people are complex and will affect our future generations.

The Discussion Paper has been prepared to stimulate new thinking and informed debate about how the Greater Adelaide Regional Plan will sustainably provide for future residential and employment growth and change.

Draft Kangaroo Island Regional Plan - downloadable PDF, 6.6 MB

The draft Kangaroo Island Regional Plan will play a key role in supporting infrastructure and identifying suitable land for future housing, employment, and commercial uses.

Greater Adelaide Regional Plan Discussion Paper - downloadable PDF, 32 MB

The Discussion Paper is split into two parts: how should Greater Adelaide grow; where should Greater Adelaide grow?

Summary of the Greater Adelaide Regional Plan Discussion Paper - web accessible

Read a summary of the key discussion points of the Discussion Paper on your computer or personal device.

Summary of the Greater Adelaide Regional Plan Discussion Paper - downloadable PDF, 3.7 MB

Access a downloadable version of the summary of the Discussion Paper.