Open space and urban greening

Public open spaces, greenways and urban-greening play promote sustainable living. They facilitate social interaction, improve physical and mental health, help cool urban areas, and support natural systems.

The Commission will build on the Metropolitan Open Space System in the GARP to help create quality open space across the region (See figure below for the 2010 and current MOSS areas).

The 30-Year Plan identified the target to increase urban green cover by 20% across metropolitan Adelaide by 2045. Urban greening can include private and community gardens, parks and reserves, trails street trees and rooftop gardens.

Green Adelaide is currently preparing an Urban Greening Strategy in response to this target.

Greater Adelaide
Open space

Greater Adelaide Regional Plan - Map - Greater Adelaide, Open space
Greater Adelaide Regional Plan - Idea/Speech Bubble

For discussion

What are the most important factors for the Commission to consider in meeting future demand for open space?

What are the most important factors for the Commission to consider in reviewing and achieving the Urban Green Cover Target?

Greater Adelaide Regional Plan - Urban Greening