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Application details
Property location image:
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Location details and current policies:
Location Title Ref Plan Parcel Current development policies
Applicant: N/A
Application ID: N/A
Notified Elements: N/A
Decision Authority: N/A
Close date: N/A
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Submit a representation

You can view more details for this application in the Development Application Register. To understand what you should include in your submission, see our guide on how to have your say.

A representation that has been confirmed to be 'valid' is provided to the applicant at the conclusion of the public notification period and will be made publicly available (including your name and address)

To make a representation via email, please complete the public notification representation document and submit to the Relevant Authority via the email address.

Contact Details

Please enter a phone in format of 0412345678 or 0812345678
Would you like to present your submission in person at a hearing?
*You may be contacted if you indicated that you wish to be heard by the relevant authority in support of your representation
My position is
A maximum of 4000 characters is allowed. To submit a longer representation, please use Step 3 Supporting documents, to attach your representation as a separate file.
Use this section if you want to attach supporting documentation to your submission.
  • select up to 5 files
  • pdf, jpg or jpeg file types only permitted
  • maximum combined file size of 20MB
    • should your files be larger than the maximum, please contact

Please note: Any personal information contained within an attachment uploaded in this section, such as personal phone numbers or email addresses may be made publicly available.

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