Upload and superseding a document

During the assessment of a development application the applicant may produce amended plans, technical drawings etc. that supersede the originally submitted documentation.

The below is an example of uploading an amended ‘Site Plan’ and superseding the ‘original’.

  1. Click on the Documents tab.
  2. Click on Upload Documents action.
  3. Click on the Other Documents heading to collapse the expanded view.
  4. Click on Upload within the Upload Documents screen.
  5. Navigate to the folder location the ‘site plan’ is saved within and then drag-and-drop the file into the ‘Drop file here’ field.
  6. Close ‘X’ the Open window.
  7. Categorise the document choosing the suitable document category ‘e.g. Plans’ and suitable document type ‘e.g. Site Plans’.
  8. Click SaveChanges to complete the action.
  9. Click on the Search by Type filter and select the applicable document type, e.g. ‘Site Plans’ to show only documents matching the selected type.
  10. Locate the ‘original’ document, e.g. Site Plan and then click on the document type (not the document name) to show more details.
  11. Click on Superseded checkbox and then Update Documents to keep the change.

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