Have your say on draft Future Living Code Amendment

Published Thursday, 15 August 2024

The State Planning Commission is seeking feedback on draft planning rules to enhance housing diversity for South Australians and provide more affordable options for different households, life stages and lifestyle choices.

The draft Future Living Code Amendment would introduce a new form of housing for community that allows more homes to be built without impacting the existing character, heritage and streetscape of established suburbs.

It encourages existing houses to be retained, altered and extended to create co-located housing, rather than demolished and the site subdivided for multiple homes.

This new form of housing is unique in that all houses within the co-located housing development are of similar stature, without the hierarchy of, for example, a house and a granny flat.

The co-located housing model incorporates communal, open gardens and shared facilities, which could include laundries, rubbish bins, carparking or activity rooms, to help build a sense of community.

Each home that is part of the co-located housing development could be bought and sold separately, while the shared garden would be managed through community title.

The draft Future Living Code Amendment would apply to well-established neighbourhoods in six council areas within the Greater Adelaide region, and would create a model that could be applied to other areas of the state in the future.

While this new form of housing was conceived for older people wishing to downsize in their own community, co-located housing is expected to appeal to a range of South Australians looking for affordable housing options.

Creating greater diversity in the housing market and providing more affordable options for the community is one way the South Australian Government is taking action to tackle the housing crisis, as highlighted in their Housing Roadmap.

Find out more

A series of in-person and online information sessions are being held throughout September and October 2024 to provide further information and provide the opportunity for community to ask questions.

For more information about the draft Code Amendment, information sessions and to share your feedback, visit the YourSAy website at www.yoursay.sa.gov.au/future-living.

Photo courtesy of Dr Damian Madigan, University of South Australia.

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