Nuclear-Powered Submarine Construction Yard Project

The proposal

On 14 March 2023, the Commonwealth Government announced the pathway for the acquisition of a conventionally-armed nuclear-powered submarine capability for Australia, part of which involves Australia building such submarines in South Australia.

In order to consider the main construction elements, such as; the Nuclear-Powered Submarine Construction Yard, launch and berthing facilities and associated infrastructure, including potential impacts of the development on both land and to marine waters, the Minister for Planning has declared that an impact assessed process under s.108(1)(c) of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 will apply, requiring the preparation on an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

Australian Naval Infrastructure (ANI) is seeking to develop the Submarine Construction Yard at Osborne, South Australia, and is responsible for preparing the EIS.

The proposal includes the following components:

  • development associated with the construction and operation of the Submarine Construction Yard
  • development associated with any change in the use of land and coastal waters
  • development associated with the construction, installation or provision of specified infrastructure, facilities and services (outlined in the declaration notice)
  • development (including development undertaken on land or coastal waters in the State, inclusive but not limited to the land and coastal waters specified in Schedule 2) associated with any excavation or filling of land associated with any development
  • development (including development undertaken on land or coastal waters in the State, inclusive but not limited to the land and coastal waters specified in Schedule 2) associated with the division of land associated with the development
  • any related or ancillary development (including development undertaken on land or coastal waters in the State, inclusive but not limited to the land and coastal waters specified in Schedule 2).

The above components are subject to any terms or limitations within the notice, whilst the gazettal also excludes some related works from the EIS process, namely the relocation of existing electricity transmission lines, substation and gas pipelines; works and activities associated with existing port and harbour operations; and certain road works relating to specified land.

On 10 October 2024, the Minister for Planning amended the original declaration notice to exclude certain elements of the development from the EIS process, specifically those relating to the development of a product demonstration facility and other ancillary works (which will be the subject of a standard (code) assessment process).

Environmental Impact Statement consultation

ANI has prepared the EIS for building and operating the Nuclear-Powered Submarine Construction Yard, associated launch and berthing facilities, and other infrastructure needed on site to build the submarines.

The EIS identifies and considers potential impacts due to the development, its operations and any associated changes in land use, both on land and in coastal waters.

The EIS is now available for public feedback. For more information about the EIS and how to have your say visit the PlanSA and YourSAy websites. Consultation is open from 3 February 2025 to 17 March 2025.

Assessment stages and documentation

Minister’s DecisionPending 
Assessment Report by the State Planning CommissionPending 
Response Document Pending  

Environmental Impact Statement

3 February 2025

Environmental Impact Statement (PDF, 13874 KB)

Environmental Impact Statement Executive Summary (PDF, 3041 KB)

Amended Declaration10 October 2024Government Gazette dated 10 October 2024
Release of Assessment Requirements for an EIS by the State Planning Commission 8 August 2024Assessment Requirements
(PDF, 986 KB)
Declaration of proposal as impact assessed development 15 February 2024Government Gazette dated 15 February 2024

Commonwealth EPBC Act

On 24 November 2023, the Commonwealth Minister for the Environment and Water and the Australian Submarine Agency entered into an agreement to undertake a Strategic Assessment of the Osborne Submarine Construction Yard under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

Consultation on this Australian Government process is being undertaken at the same time as the South Australian Government’s consultation on the Environmental Impact Statement.

For more information about the Australian Government strategic assessment process and consultation, visit the ASA website.